Comic Relief


Having previously worked on a number of projects with Comic Relief, they asked us to help them with an education pack to support Red Nose Day.

The project had a number of parts; from a teaser campaign that took the form of coasters for the staff room, to the brochures, folders and posters that were sent to schools to help teachers educate their classes on the work that Comic Relief does in Africa.

Feedback from the schools was ten out of ten!


What we did
Brand communications: Brochures / Direct mail / Advertising / Art direction

Comic Relief

Comic Relief Red Nose Day poster designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief photography art directed by The Joneses
Comic Relief staff room coasters designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief staff room coasters designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief fundraising guide designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief Red Nose Day poster designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief Red Nose Day poster designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief Red Nose Day coasters designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief Red Nose Day brochure designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief photography art directed by The Joneses
Comic Relief Red Nose Day brochure designed by The Joneses
Comic Relief teaching guide designed by The Joneses

“It’s been great to have worked with you on all those lovely education projects, I really appreciated having you there to make visual sense of it all! Thank you for your dedication and support.”

Helen Trevarthen – Design and Print Manager